
Walking and Climbing

via Me
... it's evening and I had to meet some co-workers to talk about work. We met in a big cement parking structure as they were leaving. I'm walking back to the office now and I have to cross a busy street. I get to the other side onto the sidewalk, look at my feet and think I should have worn shoes. I'm wearing socks. Walking on the sidewalk is making my socks fall down. I think to take note that I should I always wear shoes outside, and think it's silly that I didn't.

I get to the condo complex and my unit is right there. Wow that was really close. I guess that's why I only wore socks. I have to climb up the stairs, which now are inside. The stairs are too steep and I have to hold onto a rope. An episode of Intervention is on TV and I'm watching the woman talk about the first time she used drugs with the other rich housewives. I asked her if she was scared. She answered me, "yes"...


Kitties and Kitchens

Two Hundred & Seventy Nine
via PEtER R0SS
... my mom is moving into a new place with her good friend and I'm there to see it for the first time. The kitchen is in the middle of the living space, which seems out of place. We walk through to the back of the house and there's another, small, kitchen. I'm standing in the corner and my mom explains that they're going to use this as the actual kitchen and use the one in the middle of the house as living space.

There are persian kitties in the house. I pick one up; he's brown and really soft and furry. I have to hold him with his back against me and belly out otherwise he doesn't like to be held. I like holding him.

We go downstairs where my mom's room will be. There's a nice bathroom but some of the basement is still unfinished. I'm holding a tiny kitten. He's really furry and soft too but he keeps pawing to get down. I'm holding him so close to my face his tiny kitten claws are going to scratch my nose but I don't care! I keep holding him and go upstairs...




More Ballerina Back
via Psych101
... I'm in a ballet studio dancing. I'm alone except for one other dancer on the far side of the studio. My boss [in waking life] walks into the studio, without saying a word, and starts supporting me while I do a tendu exercise in center. For some reason I'm having trouble keeping my balance, but he's actually helping.

Then he says "do pirouettes." He grabs my shoulder as I fall off balance. Actually he's very close to me and touches my waist as I turn. I'm unsure of what is happening because he's not being at all inappropriate. But that's what I was expecting.

He says "now on your own." And as suddenly as he showed up he leaves. I'm a little confused about what just happened but I'm still focused on dancing so I begin to do pirouettes. And I can do them perfect...




via Karl W.
... I'm in a courtyard in the springtime. The grass is a deep green, and soft from the melted snow. It's snowing. The snowflakes are huge - like a foot in diameter. They're really fluffy. I'm happy, and amazed. I keep picking snowflakes out of the air and holding them up in the palm of my hand. I hold one, look at it and think that there is so much perfection in nature...



Sliding (out of control)

... I'm with my mom, walking through this big mall-like building (but I think I'm at work). The floors are smooth marble. There's a long down-hill and I decide to slide, just like a penguin, on my belly all the way down the ramp. I'm kind of having fun - and it's definitely faster than walking! But the overall mood is sombre.

I keep walking and it turns into a restaurant. I sit in a booth and my mom sits across from me. I'm relieved to see her, like I wasn't sure she was going to meet me there. She says

"Heather, even though our band disbanded, I'll still see you." Phew, I think, ok good. I was afraid that because this band we were in together dissolved that I'd never see my mom again...



Long Swim

via morganashlee
... I have to swim across the ocean; not literally all the way across the ocean, but really far. I think I can do it, but I'm a little nervous. I have to though, so I start swimming. There's buoys marking the path that I have to swim, so I know I'm going the right way. I'm swimming really fast and easy; I'm conscious of my form and how the water feels when I stroke my arms. I think I sense something under me and though I can't see into the water I can make out large form in the water below me. A shark? A ray? Nothing? I keep swimming and try not to think about it...



40$ Tattoos

City Street
via The Sound Machine
... I'm outside in a sketch neighborhood with my brother and a friend. I heard from another friend that in the evenings tattoo artists do tattoos right on the street for really cheap. And it's legit - they're from tattoo shops and everything! I decide to go find the guy I'm planning on getting a tattoo from. Across the street there's a guy holding a big hand-written, neon yellow sign: "Tattoos 40$."

We keep walking. We turn down a street that's more deserted. There's a guy walking towards us in the distance, and suddenly there's a guy on what appears to be a huge brown furry dog/monster beast galloping towards us. I'm startled but not too concerned, but my friend starts running. "Let's get outta here!" And I trust him so I start running too.

We make it back to safety and I look at my phone. The location says I was just in the South side of Chicago. Yeah that was a bad neighborhood, good thing we got out of there...


3 Bathrooms

... I'm in a new apartment - I just moved in. It's all "vintage" with beige carpeting. It's a two bedroom and I have a roommate. I walk out of my room into the hallway and into one of the bathrooms. I remember that the apartment has 3 bathrooms. Why do you need 3 bathrooms? That's ridiculous. Two, yes - but three? Why does anyone need three bathrooms in a house...



... I'm getting some artwork framed; some of my own drawings and a large map. I'm at the framing shop and the lady is laying all the art on a table. For some reason I'm getting the big map laminated.

Now I'm outside with my friend from high school. I'm talking to her about this art, and trying to point out a statue in the distance. I drew the statue and I'm pretty proud of how it turned out...